Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Guest Post

I do not have a guest post today. So hey, you be my guest. I thought it would be fun to post your favorite summer memory. I'll go first.


  1. We did not have air conditioning growing up. I loved getting to sleep late and waking up with the breeze from an open window and the attic fan wafting in the scent of freshly mowed grass.

  2. I remember getting up early and riding bicycles with my friend Melissa,the sun on our faces,and breeze blowing in our hair.We picked Queen Anne's Lace,Wild Honeysuckle,Sweet Williams, and put them in jelly jar vases.Her front yard was an oasis of purple irises and mint plants just perfect for jamming into a glass of iced tea as we laid on the thick carpet grass and made stories up about cloud shapes overhead, or reading thick worn books of poetry. When nightfall came, we would reluctantly part not wanting to leave the magic of the day behind.

  3. We would go on family road trips. Don't have a particular favorite but I cherish the time spent with family I didn't see on a regular basis. My family loves to travel, which has made me blessed with opportunities to see some of God's amazing creations.

    1. Nice. You are fun to travel with, I might add, my friend.

  4. When visiting my grandparents, we would go visit their farm friends. While the women shelled peas on the porch, us kids would head to the watermelon patch to help load melons onto the wagon. Of course, there was always one that just happened to bust and of course, we just had to eat it right there in the field.

    We also helped pick tomatoes. No better eatin than a vine ripe tomato warmed by the sun.

    1. Sounds wonderful. I loved picking figs with my Grandpa (Big Daddy).

  5. As a child, staying at a camp in the woods with my family. Picnics surrounded by pine trees, days swimming in the lake, sunning on the beach.
    As an adult, staying with friends by the ocean. Walking the beach, watching the waves, meditating on the beauty of creation and the goodness of God.

  6. Looking forward to school being out. Still now, since I'm taking one of the grandkids on vacation each year, I look forward to the last day of school cause I know its almost time for the next adventure.

    1. What wonderful memories you are making for them!

  7. The best summers for me were those before age 12 when we went to the cabin on the lake in Canada. Fishing was good there and we ate grilled bass almost every night. We swam in the lake, tried to feed the chipmunks, scratched bullfrogs on the back with long blades of beach grass, and listened to the whip-poor-wills every night at dusk. Almost forgot--the loons, too with their haunting calls echoing off the still water.

    1. How I'd love to step into this scenario right now!
