Friday, October 7, 2011

It Is Finished - Thanks

Thank you, Randy, for wisely keeping your mouth shut when I freaked completely out the first time you mentioned the word "homeschool"...and thanks for thinking I could do it, for your undying, unconditional love and support (and foot rubs). Your godly example sets a standard for us, and we love you. I'm grateful to you for so much - mere words cannot express. P. S. I love you:)

My fellow homeschool moms: East Texas -  Janice Pearson, Cathy Pearson, Susie Rutledge, Billie Jordan, Beverly Burchett, the ladies at New Covenant Fellowship, Michele Theriac, Tana Stapp... and West Texas - Susann Hall, Susie Lacy, Angie Craig, Tanya Shuttleworth and family member Susan Quattrini: What can I say? I love you guys. Thanks for all the encouragement, listening ears, wonderful ideas, and such good times through tears (mine), tantrums (mine too), and sigh, it was something, wasn't it?

 All the Days and Baileys: We appreciate your love and support all these years. The affirmation of Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins is so important to homeschool families, and you all were great cheerleaders! We love you!

Two special ladies who were always there for us: Miriam Atchley and Brenda Roden.  You both served us unselfishly and with such love and support.  We love you.

Thanks to Andi Martin for providing learning and performing opportunities at the Fort, encouragement and hugs.

I'm sure I'm leaving out someone. This thank you post is by no means comprehensive.  There is no way I could mention all the people who touched our lives in a positive and/or sandpaper way - all serving to shape us into what God wants us to be. May God richly bless you.

And last, but most important:

Father, you always keep your promises. You said you'd never leave me or forsake me and you didn't (Heb. 13), You said they'd get what they need for Your purpose and will for them, and they have (Romans 8:28). You helped me soar on the good days (obedience, understanding, "thank You for teaching me to read, Mommy") and helped me endure and persevere on the bad days (not going there, but thank You for the infallible Word of God) (and chocolate and foot rubs). What I first felt reluctant, even resentful, to do, I now feel unworthy to have been allowed to do.  Thank You for the greatest privilege of my life so far; the most stretching, worthwhile, thing I've ever done, and the most rewarding.  Thank You for using my failures to show me how much I need You, and how faithful You are.

Soli Gloria Deo! and ONWARD!!

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