Friday, September 30, 2011

The Kindness of Strangers

My car broke down this summer about halfway between two towns in west Texas.  I was about 150 miles from home. Seemed to me like the battery was maybe dead, but what do I know from cars, right?  So I prayed, and stuck my phone out the window to try and absorb some sattelite.  I put on the hazards because I was halfway in the left lane.  An hour passed.  No one stopped.  Finally, God zapped my phone and I had one bar.  I got hubby and blurted where I was and then it went dead again.  He headed out immediately.  I knew he would.

I will spare you the details of the car problems (boring) but it was QUITE AN ORDEAL getting it back home. I'll save that for a marriage post someday, lol.

A white surburban pulled up and a man got out and asked me if I was all right. He and his family, the only ones who stopped after cars whizzed past me for over an hour, were planning a funeral. A car accident took the lives of all the members of a young family related to these people. Yet, they stopped. They went out of their way to see that I was taken care of.  They drove me to Mertzon for a new battery and the man put  it on for me. It didn't work still, so they drove me to Barnhart to wait for my husband. This took well over an hour.

Just as the car broke down, I had been listening to Duane Sherriff CD's God's Economy. He had just made the statement that "our wealth is not measured by what we have, but by what we give." I think God wanted to illustrate this to me in a very real way. 

They wouldn't let me pay them for the gas they expended on helping me. You know how expensive gas was this summer.The grieving family gave time, energy, and money they didn't have and couldn't spare to help a stranger.  They did let me pray for them.  When we finally got home late that night, I gave them a call to let them know we made it and told them I'd pray for them during the funeral the next day.

Have you had experiences where you benefitted from the sacrificial gifts of others?

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