Monday, September 12, 2011

Plenty of Time

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

It has been said "If the devil can't make you bad, he'll make you busy." I have always been busy; homeschooled six children, thriving ministry, now six grandchildren and a full time job - not to mention home businesses, friends know what I mean.

As a Christian, it's a given that we are to order our steps according to God's will for our lives.  My struggle lately has been stressing over how quickly time is passing.  I sometimes feel my age and the rapid spiral this world is taking toward the second coming of Christ. Will I get it all done?

That kind of stress is not the "peace that passes all understanding" that we are supposed to have.  I realize as I pray about these things today, that there is plenty of time as long as I am walking in the will of God. If I have wasted time, then I should repent and order my steps anew.  He is not going to take me out of this world until I have fulfilled my purpose; my days are numbered and safe in His hand. Whether I have five minutes, five years, or 50 years remaining, I am safe in the palm of His hand and my plans will succeed if my plans are commited to Him.  I have plenty of time!

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