Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday Giveaway and Something Beautiful

I mentioned recently how Bailey Brown, in Washout Express, was not ready when her life came crashing down. Some things happen that you can never be prepared for, like the loss of a child. That has happened in our community several times over the last couple of months. The deaths impacted the entire community, and our hearts are in constant prayer for the families that have had these tragic losses.

In my Bible reading this week, I came across Psalm 78 that talks about how the Ephraimites forgot what God had done for them, and though armed to the teeth, failed to engage in the battle. They were unprepared and ran off in cowardice.

We say #countyourblessings all the time, don't we? But I think we sometimes forget how important it is to remember the works of the Lord and recount his great promises, mercy, grace, and victories HE has done in us and for us - past, present and future. We need to remind ourselves, and tell his blessings to those around us. Let's bolster ourselves and others with the word of Christ. We can mourn with those that mourn, pray for them, and when the time is right, begin to bolster them up in the promises of God.

God is always faithful whether we are prepared or not. Amen and Amen!

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts to God.

I have one Washout Express mug left! Let's truly count our blessings in the comments, and I'll draw from those participating for the prize!


  1. How do I count my blessings when they are so numerous? I have dealt with a great deal of loss in my life. Through it all , I have been blessed by the outpouring of love from my family, friends & even strangers who have prayed for me. I want to be counted as someone’s blessing by pouring the love of Christ into others.❤️

    1. You are definitely a blessing to me! Love you!

  2. God is Good all the time which is why we should always be grateful. May we always count our Blessing and Thank God for being so good! We need to appreciate more and do less complaining because we have it made, I know I do because God woke me up this morning. We need to decide when we wake up that it will be a good day, because it actually is , we decide ourselves what kind of day we are going to have. We make the best of each day because everyday is a Gift from God! <3

    1. You are right, it's a choice sometimes. And you are a blessing to me!

  3. I am so blessed by the Lord. I believe my love language is acts of service. The Lord often does things for me of which I didn't even ask. It blesses me so because He loves me enough to bless me in ways that truly speak to my deepest being.

    1. So true. Things we didn't ask for, and things we can't see. And you are blessing! Love you!

  4. How can I count my blessings - it would be like trying to count the stars. My biggest blessings are my family. They are so precious to me and most of them even love me too! One of my other huge blessings is that I get to live a life that is interesting to me. One advantage to getting older (at least for me) is I have learned what makes me happy. Sure, there are things that have to be done everyday. People need to be fed, ferried places, cleaned up after. The home must be maintained both inside and out, but when I have time, all my interesting hobbies are waiting. It is just a matter of picking one and running with it.

    1. You are a blessing to everyone around you, dear. Thanks for stopping by.
