Friday, July 19, 2019

Have You Seen It?

A couple of my grown daughters and I watched Mary Poppins Returns last night. It's on Netflix. The first thing I thought was "this would be awesome on the big screen." I don't get to the movies much, we don't have a local theater. Some folks, in anticipation of the film's release, were adamant that they wouldn't watch it, that you can't improve on perfection. I like Emily Blunt, so I thought I'd give it a go.

 I was enchanted. I loved that it felt like the first Mary Poppins, complete with animation, beautiful music, and surprise cameos. That Michael Banks (Ben Wishaw)  made me cry! I love the ways that they created similar situations that were new but reminiscent of the original. Grown up Jane, who is a champion for the down and out workers in London and Michael who now works for the Fedelity Fiduciary Bank. Michael is one year widowed with three, cutie patootie, children. These new children (Anabel, John, and Georgei) are the beneficiaries of Mary Poppins' magical world. Jack the lamplighter, who used to work for Bert the chimney sweep, is just as engaging and helpful. The lamplighters' dance on the rooftops is wonderful. Mary's cousin Topsy is a great sequel to the I Love to Laugh sequence in the original. I don't want to give anything away if you haven't seen it. It would be well worth your time, especially if you loved Mary Poppins.

Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins? Practically perfect in every way.

Have you seen it? What did you think?

Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday Giveaway and Something Beautiful

I mentioned recently how Bailey Brown, in Washout Express, was not ready when her life came crashing down. Some things happen that you can never be prepared for, like the loss of a child. That has happened in our community several times over the last couple of months. The deaths impacted the entire community, and our hearts are in constant prayer for the families that have had these tragic losses.

In my Bible reading this week, I came across Psalm 78 that talks about how the Ephraimites forgot what God had done for them, and though armed to the teeth, failed to engage in the battle. They were unprepared and ran off in cowardice.

We say #countyourblessings all the time, don't we? But I think we sometimes forget how important it is to remember the works of the Lord and recount his great promises, mercy, grace, and victories HE has done in us and for us - past, present and future. We need to remind ourselves, and tell his blessings to those around us. Let's bolster ourselves and others with the word of Christ. We can mourn with those that mourn, pray for them, and when the time is right, begin to bolster them up in the promises of God.

God is always faithful whether we are prepared or not. Amen and Amen!

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts to God.

I have one Washout Express mug left! Let's truly count our blessings in the comments, and I'll draw from those participating for the prize!