Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Next Thought

 Just sharing a poem about perspective. I like to encourage us to look at life through love colored glasses. It all starts in our thoughts.

 The Next Thought
Sometimes our thoughts are darkness
And shackle us to sorrow.
The manacles of things that happen
Bind us from tomorrow.

It's the next thought that matters
In the moments of our days,
The fleeting jewels of time we're given
To walk in Father's ways.

It's the next right thought that fuels
The next right word we speak;
That power over which we set
The course of life we seek.

The thought, word and then the deed;
One moment changes all.
We build a life with thoughts
And kingdoms rise and fall.

What can you look at differently, through love colored glasses today?


  1. I really, really, really love your poem!!! Food for thought!!!

  2. Thanks, Alisa. Glad you stopped by!
