Saturday, March 16, 2013

I've been listening to inspirational speaker Andy Andrews lately. He spoke at a church in Dallas and made this statement. "The power of our thoughts is so strong that we cannot act against it." I took that sentence to prayer. I realize that that is one of the reasons that I will still make a wrong choice, or a choice that takes me aside the path I'm traveling to my goals. What is it that I believe, or don't believe, that sabotages me, even after all my planning and prayer? I'm convinced that I need more washing of the Word in my mind and spirit. How wonderful that there is an answer!

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

What derails you on your path to your goals?

Monday, March 11, 2013

My Piano Teacher

She wasn't my music teacher because we didn't move to Kirbyville until I was in high school. My younger siblings did have the honor of having her for an elementary music teacher. Mrs. Burres Bean was known to everyone in our small community for her love of teaching, her kindness, class and grace. She passed away last week at the age of 102.

One of those silly graduation rites of passage is the "Most Likely To..." print out at the end of the year. I believe mine was "Most likely to take Mrs. Bean's place at the elementary school." That prediction came true, although there were several before I taught music at Kirbyville Elementary. I took piano lessons from her when I was working on some personal music goals. Our lesson was the highlight of the week. 

Mrs. Bean had the ability to make you think you were the most important person in the world when she listened intently and gave you full attention with her beautiful eyes. Her comments were always kind. She had a delightful, amusing personality, and had a caring heart for everyone in her life. You could not leave her presence without feeling valued and encouraged. I smile as I think of how she is the only person I've ever known who could rock wearing white pants:) Beautiful inside and out, Mrs. Bean left a mark on all who knew her, and she will be missed. 

So long for now, Dear One, until we see you in Forever. Thank you for everything. Jody

Monday, March 4, 2013

Which is yes.

I thank God for this most
amazing day;
for the leaping greenly
spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;
and for everything
which is natural, which is
infinite, which is yes.
e. e. cummings

2 Corinthians 1:20 
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

What YES are you looking for this week?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

I share my birthday (Jan. 19) with Robert E. Lee, which is fun for me since my husband and I are Civil War buffs. I discovered today an author who shares her birthday with none other than Dr. Seuss! How cool is that? I hope you enjoy Mari LaVell's birthday poem as much as I did.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss (and me)

I like Dr Suess, I won’t tell a lie.
We share the same birthday, we’re tight him and I. 
A creative creature, a word maker is he
When I grow up, just like him I’ll be.

He has a funny way to make us all think
His thinker is funny, combined with some ink
But funnier still, ‘tween ink jot you read
Squeezed in by the tittle, you’ll see a great creed.

Go places, be someone,
Try something new.
Have a big heart.
Now that’s a good start.

Be a Who on a speck,
Save your people from heck.
Don’t think you’re too small,
Don’t think it at all.

There are things you can find,
If you don’t stay behind.
Think out of the box,
Be smart like a fox.

Here’s the moral that sticks in my heart when I read,
When my thinker has thunked, and I truly take heed:
God made only one you, with a purpose and plan
No one else can be you,  now isn’t that grand?

So with a tip of my hat, I’ll close with a smile,
As Seuss once said in his Seussian style:
 “Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord..." Jeremiah 29:11 

Take a look at Mari's wonderful website:

Do you have a favorite Dr. Seuss book or quote? I'd love to hear it:)