Friday, June 24, 2022

Meet Mary Marelli

I'm excited to share a release by a brand new Pelican author, Mary Marelli. I can't wait to read this one. Mary shares a little from her heart below. 

I live on a private lake and some of my best talks with God come from walks around the lake with my dog.  Especially early morning.  I remember one walk this past winter, the air was hushed.  Snow crunched underfoot, and there was a red fox standing in the middle of the ice, just watching us.  (My dog and myself).  That brought me to think that prayer doesn't always have to be formal.  To me, it's time spent talking to my best friend.  Sometimes I share my burdens, worries, and sorrows.  Other times it's to share a laugh, since God loves a good laugh.  He wants to share in every aspect of our life, not only when times grow dark.  I once told a friend "I'm not a Christian in a pocket that you can pull out any time you need'.  That goes the same with God.  Take him out of your pocket, and walk with Him!  God bless, Mary 

Beautiful, Mary, and congratulations on your new release. The cover is wonderful. Thanks for coming by!

Check out Moon over Montana on Amazon here.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Knees Please - Part 4 - Trick or Treat


As I wound down from the play that had just wrapped and turned my mind toward getting ready for surgery, my mind started playing cruel tricks on me.

"You're going to die. You're never going to wake up after they put you to sleep." 

What? It was loud and long. Well, I knew it wasn't true. It was an attack from our enemy the devil. I threw every scripture I knew at those thoughts, but they were just stubborn and persisted. Worship, praise, and scripture kept the fear at bay a bit, but it was a constant battle. I totally didn't expect it. The thoughts began to blossom into thoughts about my family after I'm gone. Come on, get over it.

It's the truth that to live is Christ, and to die is gain, (Phil. 1:21) but I really didn't think it was time yet. It was an attack to make me fear. Fear is so dibilitating. It tries to suck the joy out of everything, and makes things so much worse than they are. Instead of enjoying the afterglow of a successful play, spending quality time with my husband and family, I was fearing a bad surgery experience. I was even afraid to share how I was feeling because of the lie that it would make it happen. Finally, I did talk to a few people who prayed for me. A friend who had recently had a knee replacement was very encouraging. 

I wish I could say that it totally went away. It did, but not until the morning of the surgery. I didn't even think about it. God was all over it. It went very well. On the flip side and reflecting, I wonder if the great number of Covid deaths surrounding us had made my mind go in that direction. A few weeks ago at a Sibling Reunion with my sisters and brother, my baby sister mentioned that she thought she was going to die recently before a minor procedure! So this is the enemy's MO (mode of operation)! 

It serves us to be proactive about major events in our lives. I've written a book called H.E.A.V.E.N that's about handling the storms and crisis of life. Wish I'd remembered that when the devil was attacking me. (head slap) The very first letter stand for Have Faith. God will do what He said He will do. I'm going to remember to have faith in His Word before any planned event, but I also think that having His Word engraved on our hearts helps us through unplanned crisis and hardships. 

I'm so grateful to God for all he's brought me through. I'm writing this five days before my second kneed replacement. I'll share the recovery process as it goes along. 

Here's a link to H.E.A.V.E.N. if you're interested. 

If you'd like a list of scriptures to fight fear and anxiety, please leave me a comment. God Bless You!

Knees Please Part Three - Come to Jesus Moment

What does a "come to Jesus moment" mean? In the literal sense it refers to  the time when a person places faith in Jesus by believing that He died for their sins, was buried, and rose again ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ). I'm glad to say that moment came for me at a very early age.  

In regard to my knee pain, it refers to a time when a polite ultimatum is given, generally followed by a less polite ultimatum, then a threat. Drug and alcohol "interventions" are often referred to as "Come to Jesus Meetings.

Well, my knees needed an intervention of sorts. After reporting to my doctor that the last two injections had done virtually nothing, she suggested seeing an orthopedic surgeon, which I did. X-rays showed I had not cartilage in either knee. That I could walk at all, go to work, and act in community theater at that time was miraculous to me. But after much prayer, my husband and I decided to go ahead and work toward surgery. 

My surgeon asked me to lose some weight, and I did. I guess the pain motivation kept me on track. We scheduled the surgery and began to "jump through hoops" of preparation. Turns out you have to be cleared by your primary care physician and a dentist before surgery can happen.  Also, if you have any other health issues, like heart trouble, then your specialist must also clear you. Thankfully, I didn't have to have a heart clearance. 

I loved how the hospital and surgeon's office were so clear and specific about what I needed to do and the timeline that everything was due.

The weeks up to the surgery date were quite busy as I was doing the Mother Superior part in the musical "Nunsense." I didn't have much time to really think about the surgery as I was learning lines, coordinating music for the cast, and yes, dancing! Well, at least on of my feet never left the stage, lol. Even my pastor commented, after seeing the play, that he was amazed at how I was able to move. He was used to me limping around. I can only say it was a God thing. 

The show wrapped and I had about a week and a half to get ready. I was looking forward to a little time off from work and a visit from my Abilene daughter who was coming to help out during recovery. But something happened that totally blew me away. Something I didn't expect in the least...

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Knees Please Part Two - Another Effective But Temporary Fix

 I kept hearing about people getting knee injections, and what a great, positive effect it had on their day to day ability to walk without pain. Folks reported that it worked for them, but that it was temporary. Further research indicated that the shots can only be administered once every three months? Did I really want to have an ongoing expense like that? What if it didn't work?

I made an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. He recommended the shots because, after x-rays, I still had enough cartilage. He didn't want to talk about knee replacement just yet. I agreed, because I was having a really hard time with pain. 

Wonderful! The injections gave me some much needed relief, and I was able to go about my life without such dibilitating pain. This was a standard injection for me, and it went on for about 2 years until two times in a row, the shots had no effect at all.  There was really only one thing left to do. 

Anyone else out there going through this journey?